Bruno 750ml
- Declaration of “Ultra premium evoo” in the international competition in Dubai “Dubai olive oil competition” October 2022
- 2° prize in the national competition “L’oro d’Italia” in the medium-intense fruity category February 2021
- 1st prize in the international competition “”L’oro del Mediterraneo”” in the intense fruity category February 2020.
- 1st prize in the regional competition “”Il novello di Romagna”” in the medium-intense fruity category December 2019
This oil is dedicated to our father, the founder of the company. It was born in 2017, the year of the inauguration of the new continuous method oil mill, with which it is produced. It was inevitable to dedicate it to him, given the strong character and flavour of the oil itself. Obtained by scrupulously selecting 100% Italian healthy olives with a two-phase extractor, it has a medium intense fruity taste with hints of grass and tomato, with a marked bitter and spicy aftertaste. Suitable for demanding palates who love strong flavours, it goes well with high quality cuisine.
Cold extraction, filtered
Carpaccio, Grilled vegetables, Legumes, Meat steak, Pesce al cartoccio